Ah, Childhood!

An old friend dug up pictures from high school and posted them on Facebook.  They were pictures that I had never seen before, and we all looked so young.  We had bad hair, bad clothes, and crazywide smiles.  We had no idea what we were in for, and thought that we’d always live just down the block from each other.

Looking at that group of kids was bitter sweet.  Now we’ve gone through breakups, marriages, and divorces.  We have kids, cancer, and foreclosures.  We never rollerblade anymore.  We never got back into acting. 

I often wonder why that is.  Why we hit some magic age and suddenly we’re “adults”, and we only do “adult” things.  (And not even that kind of adult thing!)  When you get an adult with another adult, why, it’s even more boring than usual!  When’s the last time that you built a snow fort with your lunch date?  When have you ever played “Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board” with your coworkers?

Maybe that’s why I enjoy my kids so much: my “adult” friends don’t play tag with me out in the backyard.  Well.  Maybe they should.

0 Comments on “Ah, Childhood!”

  1. You’d be surprised at what I’d do. I’ve dragged friends to playgrounds so I can go on the swings. :p And once, when I did that, there was this huge tire just sitting out there and I got to play with it.

    And they thought I was kidding.

    Also, I’d so build a snow fort as a date. I’ll even put it on my to-do list. I’m sure my girl would love it.

  2. Tag? No. Because I always lose. Even as a kid. And I don’t care what anyone says, playing is just not as fun if you don’t get to win *sometimes*.

    But I’ll build a fort with you any day of the week!

  3. That’s thought provoking stuff. Being we were “older” when we had our one and only child, we probably seem ancient to him now. I’ll have to inject more spontaneous, silly fun into our interactions (and be less like my dad…)

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