So I have to be perfectly honest with you. I felt like a really big idiot when I set up this site. “My Writing Site”. Because it seems arrogant, because it seems like I’m trying to be more than I am, kind of all “Hey, look at me, I’m a writer!” But it’s been very helpful to me. It distances itself from my usual blog (if you’re looking for writing, are you going to be interested in my kids? Do you really want to look at pictures of my stilettos?) And if you are reading my blog to find out more about genetic syndromes or to catch up on my life, do you really want a list of my writing projects on there? Well, if you love me, yes. If you’re an innocent bystander that got swept up in it all, most likely not. Hence the “Writing Site”. It’s handy, it’s dandy. It keeps my publication credits together in one tidy place, and it can be yours for only two easy payments of $19.95! But wait, there’s more!
Last night I scored a personal rejection from an editor. The poem that I had sent didn’t really fit her theme, but she had followed my bio link to this site. She said that it made her curious, and asked that I send her a short story. No theme, nothing in particular, just something for her to read. And you know what? That makes me happy. That flushes my cheeks quietly, somebody being curious about my work. It takes away the booming bravado of the ole “Here’s a link to My Writing Site!” thing. It makes it worth it.
Today’s Goal: One hour working on my novel query letter. I read the old one and it made me cringe.
0 Comments on “This thing…is helping.”
Yea for your writing site! I’m glad you did you. You needed it and you deserve all those nice, shiny moments you get because you really are great! Not always what everyone wants, but that’s okay. The rejections are really only there to make the success so much sweeter!