Checking in Safe from the UNLV Shooting

I should have done this a few days ago, but quite frankly, I haven’t been in the best headspace. There was an active shooter at the UNLV campus on Wednesday, December 8. If that campus sounds familiar to you, it might be because I mention it when I’m doing workshops or guest teaching there. I was just there and was … Read More

The One Year Anniversary of the Las Vegas Shooting

I’ve been unsettled all week and I couldn’t put my finger on it. Then my Facebook memories showed me a picture of my husband, daughter, and I at the Imagine Dragons concert downtown. My body went cold, then hot. I started to panic. I couldn’t breathe. My heart was beating too hard, too fast, and irregularly. Two days before the … Read More

Join Us for the #VegasStrong Book Signing!

Do you remember where you were during the mass shooting as Las Vegas? I do. A week before that, we had taken my 10-year-old down to that area for a concert. The morning of the shooting, I was in that area with my parents. I was participating in a book reading and it was their first time watching me. They … Read More

The Las Vegas Shooting.

I’m going to start out by saying that my family is safe. This is the main purpose for this post, because I want loved ones to know that the Yardley family is accounted for. That isn’t the case for everyone, and that’s difficult to wrap my head around. Last night was a panic as the story unfolded. It was a … Read More