I have hit a writing wall. Perhaps it’s distraction (the holidays, tra la la!) or my kids (my daughter is taking her first steps) or perhaps NaNo completely tapped me out. I’m trying to think of this as a gentle quiet time where my mind can take a breath, but it is still frustrating. I want to be writing. I want to create. It feels like somebody stuffed a gag in my mouth, and I’m trying to breathe around it.
On the other hand, this is a great time to edit. Which I abhor, but of course it must be done. And I can do hard things.
Also, I’m reading at a holiday party this weekend, and I’m very much looking forward to it. I’m practicing not reading at the speed of light.
Pieces out: 41
Goal: Achieved
0 Comments on “Just Plugging Away”
Richard Marx, Jei. Some of his songs (Hold onto the Nights, Hazard, etc) are some real inspiration drivers. At least, for me they are. 🙂 Then again, I get inspiration from just about everywhere.
Check ’em out and tell me what you think.
See? I’m not the only one who likes Richard Marx! 😉