The presentation went well, I thought. Really, I didn’t need to prepare at all because the kids had a million questions! They wanted to know this, they wanted to know that. It was amazing. I asked, “So, what are your goals? What do you want to be?” They wanted to be ballerinas, soldiers, and writers. They wanted to be actors, dancers, and one even wanted to be an insurance agent. (An insurance agent?) They wanted to do everything, and they had absolute confidence that they could achieve it. After all, why couldn’t they? They could do anything.
I wonder sometimes where my confidence has gone. When you’re young, you’re secure in yourself and your abilities, but when you get older, some of the bravery rubs off. It was really fun to be there. They were astute kids, and had more faith in my abilities than I do. I brought a few magazines and books that I’d been in, and they carefully held them like they were the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Me (to my friend who teaches there): They think that I’m famous!
Her: They DO think that you’re famous!
Me: Well. Awesome.
It was, hopefully, fun and inspiring for all. I know it inspired me. Only one WHAM! Murder! reference, but that’s because they asked about RunStarGirl. I can’t lie, you know. “It’s a story about, uh, murder and beauty and joy. And muffins!”
I think about how many people want to be writers. Everybody and their dog wants to write a book/screenplay/children’s book/whatever. I can’t believe how many people will say, “Oh, I’ve always wanted to write! I have this idea…” and then they tell me all about it, start to finish. Only they’re not really writing it. It’s still in the dream stages. Sometimes it seems like things are unattainable. Well, sure they are, if you don’t write the darn thing. But after that? It really is achievable, one step at a time. I’m still fairly starry-eyed when it comes to this attainability, because I didn’t believe it myself until a short while ago. But now that I do, it’s changed everything. I’m optimistic. It makes me happy. Almost Korean Boy Band happy, which my daughter asks to watch every single day, now. (Thanks a lot, Natalie.) 😛 Until American boy bands dance around in fuzzy suits with animal puppets on their hands, I think we’ll be watching co-ed pajama parties.
Pieces out: 35
Goal: 40
0 Comments on “Famous?”
Your daughter is one of my favorite people ever. If you REALLY love her, you’ll buy her a “Super Junior Happy” cd. It comes with pictures of the group having a sleep-over. So precious, you’ll get diabetes!
It reminds me of artist/children’s author Mo Willems, who said recently: “people stop drawing when they decide they’re not good at it…[but] Nobody stops playing basketball once they realize they’re not going to be a professional.” I think it’s like that with writing – at least, it was for me. I decided I wasn’t good at it, so I stopped. Happily, I haven’t stopped drawing even though I suck. 😉
Yea! I am so glad it went so well!