Washing windows? Not a chance! Sweeping floors, scrubbing walls, dusting the ceiling fans? No, no, and no. I’m spring cleaning, writer’s style! All of those ticky writer things that I haven’t done yet? I’m doing them. That means that I’m returning all “I’ll get to it” correspondence, mailing my Shock Totem contract (I printed it out last week, but the kids got to it. I’m not thinking Ken wanted to receive a contract covered in crayon) and deleting all saved contests and submissions that were due by May 1st. I’m also scouting out more agents, using a difference source than I did last time. Most of the time I get so involved with the actual writing process that I let everything else slide. It’s time to get back on track.
Then, I get to write.
Things in my google history: we love katamari, murder mystery dinner, 1920’s socialites, las vegas mafia, the darkness
0 Comments on “I’m Spring Cleaning, Writer’s Style!”
The Shadow, The Darkness by Thomas Ligotti is a marvelous short story that you might enjoy, Mercedes. I enjoyed it tremendously. I thought of it when I saw that you googled “the darkness”.
Also, I’m done with my final (if you get around to reading my email to you :p).
Did they color something obscene?
I’m sure Ken would have loved their scribbling! Who wouldn’t?