I am!! Carrie Harris is going to go all ninja on my query letter tomorrow. She’s setting up Da Rulz tonight, so drop by and give them a read, if you so desire.
This? Is a little bit scary, because nobody likes to hear what they’re doing wrong. But remember my New Year’s Resolution? I’m doing things that scare me. I ran this letter past a dozen people, easy, and it still needs some help. So why shouldn’t we all get some enjoyment out of it?
Right?! 😛
Things in my Google History: stargirl by jerry spinelli, jesus christ superstar soundtrack, vintage apron patterns, counting bodies like sheep, wonderfalls, miskatonic
0 Comments on “Who is on the Chopping Block?”
Darned Stargirl. 🙂
I would argue that the idea is not to figure out what you’re doing WRONG, but what you could do BETTER when it comes to showcasing your awesomeness. But what do I know? I’m just a ninja.
I haven’t sent you a poem in a while, have I? ha. I’ve written a few but I’ve been busy with moving apartments and school. You know how those things go.
Unfortunately, querying is something I haven’t done or tried to do so I couldn’t help you on that one. But, good luck! :p
Talk to you soon, Mercedes.
I hope that I have your bravery when my novel is ready!