It’s time for a celebration! Woo! Why, you ask? It’s because August means the beginning of a new writing year in our house.
Summer is full of “Ack, both of the kids are home!” and “We are going to do family things, dagnabbit!” and “It’s too hot to go outside, so how about movie night…again?” I try valiantly to write, but with two small, wiggly children who can’t even get their own glass of water, let alone watch themselves for a few minutes…well, Mommy’s Special Writing Time was a complete bust.
But now? Mmmm. I say that again. MMMM.
My son is settling into his new school. My daughter takes one long midday nap. And I? I get to breathe again. I anticipate falling asleep while plotting and planning scenes. I am going to breathe in my characters. And I’m going to enjoy KillerCon.
“KillerCon?” you ask. Oh, yes. KillerCon. But more on that later. It is, after all, time to write.
0 Comments on “Happy New Writing Year!”
Like the wind. Write like the wind!
Drinking coffee in a wind-like fashion also helps.
Hope the free time for writing pans out. Our boy is 13 now and somewhat self-sufficient. I’ve forgetten what it’s like when they are in the ‘parasitic stage’.a