A lot! And it has been faaaaaabulous! So it’s time for some reviews in ten words or less.
Almost Dead by Lisa Jackson
Unlikable characters. I don’t ever want them to be happy.
Julie and Julia by Julie Powell
Not cute or sweet or fuzzy. Kind of bitter.
Death Trap by Sue Henry
Cozy murder mystery without any bite.
Angels Flight by Michael Connelly (Tiny Daughter chose this book for me at the library. I think it’s because Michael Connelly looks an awful lot like Grandpa.)
Takes place after the 1992 riots. Pretty cool.
Right now I want to know what you are reading.
0 Comments on “So I’ve Been Reading!”
I bought a couple new books. Two are none horror, so I’m not sure when to squeeze them in. The writer in me will feel guilty, but not the Buddhist (one is a book of Zen lectures).
“six walks in the fictional woods” by Umberto Eco… definately very interesting, one of the most interesting non-fictiony things i’ve read in quite a while.
Just started rereading a fantastic little book written by a friend of mine that hasn’t been published yet…other than that, it’s been MOSTLY HARMLESS, the last HGTTG novel. I love Douglas Adams…
I am rereading King’s ‘The Green Mile’.
I am currently reading the Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, I have read it before, but it was so long ago, that I wanted to read it again.
Frankenstein (the original). 9 word review: A classic with a seminal premise and flawed execution.
Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier, but I’m not sure how long I’ll keep reaading. It just isn’t drawing me in. So far, I’m not super impressed, but it’s supposed to be a classic, so we’ll see…
Currently reading Under the Dome by Stephen King. Before that I finished The Lovely Bones so that I could go and see the movie.
Gaudy Night by Dorothy Sayers. A pre WWII mystery written by an Oxford don who was chums with C.S.Lewis and Tolkien. Makes me want to go to school in Oxford… and it’s eminently scholarly.
What To Expect When You’re Expecting. Gotta brush up for Ravager#2
The Quotable Chesterton, ’cause G.K. Chesterton pretty much turns everything you know upside-down with his deft wordplay.
yup. Now back to recording. Almost done with the album! w00t!
this’ll scare you I know
but currently reading the big book of AA
drawing on the powers of heaven.
and He did deliver me from bondage (mormon AA). first and last are to better help at work.( I swear)