
  This is Simon C. Larter.  He’s Scottish.  He’s adorable. He’s going to cry like a little girl when I beat him at our current contest.  Our goal is to make some major headway on our current WIPs.  He’s planning to write 5,000 words a week.  I’m planning to write, edit, and polish one chapter a week.  Do you know how you can help us?  Write us encouraging emails.  Draw us pretty pictures.  Let us put these shiny things up on our blogs.  Think I’m kidding?  I’m not.  5k is a lot for a busy man to write. My chapters are tearing my heart out.  So any support is welcome support.

This has been really helpful, actually.  I thought that I didn’t have time to write anything this week, but I really, really hated the thought of losing.  I scratched out some time and hit my goal, and I don’t think that I would have done so otherwise.  Rock on.  Thanks for the help, S.

But alas, real life intruded and Simon didn’t make his quota this week.  What does that mean, you ask?  It means that I AM THIS WEEK’ S WINNER!  And for my prize, I get to run a picture of Simon’s tattoo on my blog.  I love tattoos.  It’ll go up on Monday.

Victory is sweet.

0 Comments on “Smackdown”

  1. I need this sort of goal/contest to get me writing. I have been pushing myself forward on my own, but it’s not enough, I need more….

    Mercedes give me a goal for me to accomplish!!!

  2. I shall redouble my efforts to carve out writing time. Even if I do it in half-sauced stints at 3 am, I shall meet my word count goal! Write or Die shall be my best friend.

    And Natalie? Er… no. I’d have to lose a lot of weeks in a row for that one…

  3. What a great contest! I’m going to have to hit up some of my writer friends and come up with one of my own. I’ll definitely be checking in on Monday to see the tattoo and cheer you on!

    And yes, Scottish Simon IS adorable.

  4. What is this? Strip writing? The loser goes the full monty? If not, it would certainly make for an interesting contest.

    Woot! Woot! Keep up the good work!

  5. Mercedes, this is a great idea to keep the muse on her toes!

    What kind of encouragement would you need? I’ll be happy to post anything up on my blog for you, and I’m great with the cheering. (Though I’ve never even owned a set of pom poms.

    Good luck to both of you! Can’t wait to see the Tattoo!

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