Alison Boyd is a writer living in the Southern Highlands of NSW, Australia. She writes a regular blog at and has had poetry, short stories and a radio play published online, as an iPhone application and in print. Most of what she writes is myth-based speculative fiction but is keen to try her hand at horror in the coming months. She is currently writing a spec fic novel in an office overlooking the vegie garden and most of her day consists of a series of mad blasts at the keyboard punctuated by the distraction of plant growth, feline antics and a herbal tea habit bordering on compulsive.
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0 Comments on ““Be Mysterious: Writers In Masks” Features Alison Boyd”
It reminds me of Pan’s Labyrinth. Which is totally awesome.
Yeah, this is one of my favorites for creativity and the sexy/creep factor. Rock on!
That is awesome Alison!!!
Good luck with your horror writing. It’s hard to come back once you start!!
And I love Pan’s Labyrinth
Thanks guys!