No, seriously. I don’t know what you’re saying. Thankfully J is willing to translate. His “DeGreekifying” post is here. Mostly I want you to stop by because he calls me a brilliant author. Which is great, because I doubt I’d understand anything else that he says. 😉
5 Comments on “Tech Speak: It’s Greek to Me!”
haha! Love that.
So…what you’re saying is, you won’t be writing any super-l33t hax0r scenes into S&ST? No hacking into a mainframe and shutting down Vegas’s power grid?
Ah well. The contract killing’ll just have to do for now. 🙂
“DeGeekifying” I love new words!!
I’m all for helping to add a new word to the lexicon, especially one related to a line from Shakespeare (from Julius Caesar) so, yay!
Ha, nice. I’ll head over now.