You know the story. Author meets agent. Author stalks agent. Agent realizes that Author is everything that Agent ever wanted, and stardust falls from the sky as contracts are signed.
Well, this story isn’t really like that. It’s even better.
I met my agent via Twitter.
Twitter took me a while to get used to, I’ll tell you that. It’s like having a conversation with 700 of your closest ADD friends. At the same time. But once I got the hang of it, I was hooked. I use Twitter as a reward (“Yay! I finished my project and now I can play! What’s up, Twitter?”), a resource (“Does anybody here live in New Haven, CT? What’s your weather like RIGHT NOW?”), and as a place to meet new writers. I follow those in the publishing industry. I follow agents. I follow established writers and those who are in the same boat I’m in. It’s a blast.
One day, after my work was done, (and that’s the key, right there. Don’t let Twitter distract you from your priorities) I was having a Twitter conversation. Meanwhile, snippets of other conversations were popping up, and somebody tweeted a link to a Query Tracker contest. And I? I pounced.
Query Tracker was announcing that agent Jason Yarn from Paradigm was going to judge a query contest. But not just any contest! You had to sell your entire novel in a one line pitch and your first paragraph. A one line pitch? Are you kidding me?! Condensing an entire novel into a query letter was hard enough, but this? This was a challenge!
Oh, and I like challenges. Very much.
The contest was limited to 100 people, so time was definitely a factor. It filled up very quickly. If I hadn’t seen the link right then and jumped on it immediately, then I would have lost my opportunity. Although I didn’t win the contest, Jason was intrigued enough that he asked me to send my query and first ten pages. Then my full. Then The Call, which turned out not to be The Call, but A Call. Then The Real Call. And the rest is history. Or at least, it will be.
I’d like to think that, barring this opportunity, I would have eventually sent Jason my query and he would have shouted, “Hallelujah, this is the query of my dreams!” It could happen. But I’m also realistic enough to know that timing really is essential. By the time I finally carefully researched him (hello, Jason Yarn is way back in the “Y” section) and sent my query in, would he still be looking for this type of manuscript? Would he enjoy the whimsy, or would I perhaps catch him on a bad day and get a rejection? Luckily it’s a scenario that I don’t have to think about. I had an eye on Twitter and it helped me land a fantastic agent. There really isn’t a stronger argument for social media than this.
5 Comments on “How I Got My Agent: A Social Media Love Story”
I love hearing stories like this. It give me hope. Plus, it’s not only an amazing story, but you deserve it. You’re a very talented writer.
Great story Mercedes. Glad you got your agent and that things are going your way. I hope you get a publisher now. That would be totally awesome. I wish you well in your pursuits.
This gives me encouragement Mercedes! Thanks. I get stuck on Twitter and other media and you are so right, set the priorities straight. In any case, congrats on the agent find! and best of luck. I’m still writing away…waiting for the right day…
Hey Mercedes, I’ve nominated you for The Versatile Blogger award, for all your great inspiring posts on writing, life in general, and for your great fiction! Follow link for more info:
Thank you, Angela! That’s really nice of you to say. And there is always, ALWAYS hope! 😀
And I wish you well in yours, Ardee-ann! Seems like there’s always a “next step”, doesn’t there? I think “lying around and eating muffins” should be a next step.
How wonderful, Wit! Thank you so much! I loved the things that you chose to share about yourself. Stunning imagery, as usual. 😀