Put your music on Shuffle.
The first song is the theme for the Apocalypse.
The second song plays during your first zombie kill.
The third song plays while you’re chased by a Horde.
The fourth song plays while you’re forced to kill your loved one.
The fifth song plays when you find your new love interest.
The sixth song plays when you make your final stand.
The seventh song plays when you (think you) survive.
The eighth song plays when you discove a bite mark on you.
This meme is AWESOME! My songs were:
1. (apocalypse theme) “Wonderwall” by OASIS
2.(first kill) “We Are Golden” by MIKA
3.(chased by a horde) “Tear Me Down” by SPOON (This song fit perfectly. I also imagined a Scooby Doo-type chase scene.)
4.(kill loved one) “Will You Be There In the Morning?” by HEART. (The irony is too much.)
5.(new love interest) “The High Road” by BROKEN BELLS
6.(final stand) “In This Temple, As in the Hearts of Man, For Whom He Saved the Earth” by SUFJEAN STEVENS
7.(victory!) “Clumsy” by OUR LADY PEACE
8.(discover bite mark) “Bodies” by DROWNING POOL
So if you do this, let me know what your songs are, will you? I’d be very interested to see what you come up with.
8 Comments on “Music for the Zombie Apocalypse”
1. (apocalypse theme) “Exaltation on a Cool Kitchen Floor” Bright Eyes (deceptively peaceful…..)
2.(first kill) “Innocent When You Dream” Tom Waits
3.(chased by a horde) “Small Change” Tom Waits
4.(kill loved one) “Leave” Glen Hansaard (lol this works)
5.(new love interest) “ Tiens V’la Marin” Edith Piaf
6.(final stand) “Hit the Switch” Bright Eyes
7.(victory!) “La Boite a Musique” Cee Martinez (lol yes mine) XD
8.(discover bite mark) “For No One” Chris Blair-Beatles cover YASSSS!
Had to try this. From playlist “heavy” music for writing.
Too Funny!
1.Last Time In Paris–Queensryche (theme)
2. Blitzkrieg Bog–Rob Zombie (1st kill)
3. All Around Me–Fly Leaf (Horde) HA!
4. Walk–Pantera (kill loved one)
5. 5 Min. Alone–Pantera (new love interest)
6. Another Rain Night–Queensryche (final stand)
7 Breakdown–Tantric (possible survival)
8. My Last Breath–Evanescence (find bite mark) now that one is perfect,lol
That was fun. Thanks Mercedes.
The first song is the theme for the Apocalypse. (The Other Way by Weezer)
The second song plays during your first zombie kill. (Daughter by Pearl Jam (live version… is Eddie around here too? He’d be a wicked tag team partner in the zombie apocalypse))
The third song plays while you’re chased by a Horde. (Freedom to Feel by John Reuben)
The fourth song plays while you’re forced to kill your loved one. (Black Tambourine by Beck)
The fifth song plays when you find your new love interest. (Protest Song ’68 by Refused… she must be hardcore.)
The sixth song plays when you make your final stand. (Save You by Pearl Jam… a nice song to jam to as I unload my sub-machine gun.)
The seventh song plays when you (think you) survive. (Alive by Pearl Jam…no kidding.)
The eighth song plays when you discover a bite mark on you. (Far from home by The Classic Crime… a nice emo song for the somber realization.)
This would be an interesting movie if the soundtrack were any indication.
1. (apocalypse theme) Cat Power – The Greatest (slow and sultry, this invasion happens when no one is looking)
2.(first kill) Jimmy Eat World – Just Tonight
3.(chased by a horde) James Brown – Super Bad (Ok, so the juxtaposition just tickles me)
4.(kill loved one) Deerhoof – TheGreatCarTomb
5.(new love interest) South – Straight Lines to Bad Lands (this isn’t going to be a happy ending folks… it’s called foreshadowing)
6.(final stand) Arcade Fire – Black Wave / Bad Vibrations
7.(victory!) Postal Service – Be Still My Heart (I imagine standing on the pile of zombie bodies while this triumphant little song of bleeps and computer glitches plays, FTW!)
8.(discover bite mark) Voodoo Child – Jimmy Hendrix (PERFECT!)
By the way, Timothy Ward, I saw REFUSED on your playlist and was instantly happy. Rock!
Chris! I didn’t realize that you wrote music! I can’t wait to listen. Thanks so much for giving me the link on FB! 😀
lupaket: Ha, your list seems to be amazingly appropriate. Awesome!
Tim, I laughed out loud when I saw Pearl Jam’s “Alive”. Not for long, my friend. 😉
Mason, you should WRITE the movie. Starring the Illiterati, of course. Block it out in comic book form, would you?
This is awesome, you guys! I’m so enjoying this!
I misspelled some words and it’s bugging me, LOL!
Bop not Bog
Rainy not Rain
That playlist has 268 (?) songs on it, so it was a real crap shoot on shuffle.
Some of the songs listed here are so incredibly appropriate for a zombie apocalypse, I may add them to my list!
Thanks for posting it, Mercedes!
Ha! This is awesome! Thank you, I’m going to do one on my blog.
And I’ll come back and let you know what comes up for me and post it here. I think I’ll have to use some other method though–I don’t have an iPod anymore.