It’s summer and time to go on vacation. Not a chance, writers! You have skills. Use ‘em or lose ‘em.
I was delighted to find this FREE Clarion West Write-a-thon. Shadow their prestigious workshop from June 23 through August 2 and force yourself out of your comfort zone. Sign up by June 22. (That’s tomorrow.) They’re looking for seven more people. Join me!
Also, Brandon Sanderson (who finished the last Wheel of Time book after original author Robert Jordan passed away) is teaching a free online summer course. By the end of the course, you should have written a 30,000 word novelette. You can find more information here.
The best part about these two activities, however? They run consecutively. My novelette for Sanderson’s class is going to be my goal for Clarion West. It’ll be a summer writing boot camp. If you sign up, drop me a line. We can do it together! I’ll be working on Apocalyptic Montessa and Nuclear Lulu: A Tale of Atomic Love. I had a brainstorm this morning while driving. She meets her love with a knife to her throat, I think. Fitting, since love truly does take your breath away.
5 Comments on “Free Creative Writing Courses and Activities for Summer”
I’ll sign up for the Write-a-thon, but I’m taking your word for it on the course shadowing thing, because I’ve combed their site and all I’m finding is fundraising information. I don’t see anything about the actual course trickling down to participants.
I’m trying to crank out 3 chapters a day anyway, so why not?
I’m doing both too Mercedes! good luck!
Hi Red! I took the “shadow the workshop” line right from the second paragraph on this page. I’m logging in now to see if I can find out what exactly that means. But yay!
Are you, Shadow? FANTASTIC! I’m so pleased!
Yeah, looks like they updated that page, sweets. There’s no “shadow” on it now. Maybe they did something in the past for participants but decided not to this year? *shrug* Regardless, it’s good karma, I reckon.
Ah, Red, you’re absolutely right! Such a bummer, but at least it’s helping me get my work finished while I hopefully help the raise some money. Good eye!