Ragnar Was Everything I Feared. And I Survived.

I had a lot of fear about Ragnar.
I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to run it.
I was afraid of being the weak link on the team.
I was afraid I’d have a sugar crash and not know where I was.
I was afraid I’d throw up during my run.
I was afraid I’d get lost.
I was afraid of heat exhaustion.

Runner's high is a lie. Go, Team Runner's Low!

Runner’s high is a lie! Meet our team, the Runner’s Low.

Every single fear I had was realized. I did far more walking than running. My sugars tanked and I ended up “following bunnies” (my words) to the finish line, where I apparently wasn’t able to recognize people or say my name until they popped my sugar back up. On my last leg I got lost, threw up about five times, and started shivering under the hot, hot sun.

I didn’t choose the thug life…

I was slow. But I finished every last mile, all 11 of them. We ran 200 as a team. I faced every single fear I had about this race and came out the other side.
That’s my takeaway from this.
I lived through the things I thought would kill me. I pushed myself and walked away. And I’m so proud of myself and the team!
IMG_5422I ran through a dry dock while the sun rose. I slept in a hammock under the stars. I ate fresh blackberries that grew on one of my routes. I saw rabbits. I fell asleep to this.
IMG_5409(1)I learned that when I’m totally at my lowest and I’m helpless, my husband and friends will watch over me and strengthen me until I can get back on my feet. Literally. And more than anything, that’s what I needed to realize right now.
Here’s to doing things that scare us. 😀

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