Book Signing Update!

I forgot to update you guys on the Barnes and Noble book signing!


“Take me, I’m yours” wasn’t meant literally. 

We had a lot of fun, and there was a great turn out. Especially for Kathy-Lynn Cross, who was signing her debut novel! It was very exciting.
It was even more exciting when somebody grabbed a copy of Erica Keifer’s book and a copy of mine, and then ran out the side door with them. Alarm bells rang, but they didn’t catch her.
Perhaps she’ll leave a good review.
Apocalyptic Montessa and Nuclear Lulu: A Tale of Atomic Love was good enough to steal! I’d rip it off a second time.”
I’m joking about it and it’s funny at this point, but I don’t suggest anybody try it later. I’ll be prepared next time. 😛
Happy reading!

2 Comments on “Book Signing Update!”

  1. A big “Thank you” to you and Erica for your support. It was fun! And the next time we do a signing, (maybe in May, just throwing that out there) if someone has sticky hands, we’ll have the pixies dust their sticky fingers together. x.x

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