I forgot to update you guys on the Barnes and Noble book signing!
It was even more exciting when somebody grabbed a copy of Erica Keifer’s book and a copy of mine, and then ran out the side door with them. Alarm bells rang, but they didn’t catch her.
Perhaps she’ll leave a good review.
“Apocalyptic Montessa and Nuclear Lulu: A Tale of Atomic Love was good enough to steal! I’d rip it off a second time.”
I’m joking about it and it’s funny at this point, but I don’t suggest anybody try it later. I’ll be prepared next time. 😛
Happy reading!
2 Comments on “Book Signing Update!”
A big “Thank you” to you and Erica for your support. It was fun! And the next time we do a signing, (maybe in May, just throwing that out there) if someone has sticky hands, we’ll have the pixies dust their sticky fingers together. x.x
That is the most delightful response ever! Haha! Now I want to pixie dust everything all of the time. 😀