Painted Stories. Check Out This Art!

The reading was a wonderful experience. I went in to it pretty worn out and exhausted, but I felt rejuvenated by the time I left. Wonderful organizers and a warm, receptive audience really made for a good time.
But the art. Oh, the art! I read a section from Nameless: The Darkness Comes while two intriguing artists with wildly different styles painted live. I’ve never seen anybody simply create like that before, and it took my breath away.


Meegan Boiros did this gorgeous painting while we watched.


The broken girls in the House of Horrors by Charlotte Fox.

I can’t create art to save my life, although I wish I could. It was such a pleasure to watch these two women paint this scene in under 30 minutes.
I loved reading. It was a wonderful time. They do this program often, and I hope to eventually be invited back. What a great experience!

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