Tomorrow (Saturday, October 19) will be a fun, busy day! I’m thrilled to be part of the Las Vegas Book Festival! I am also honored to be included in the welcome video alongside my friend and colleague Jarret Keene on the festival’s website. Jarret looks like a proper, broody author and I’m just happy to be there.
I’ll be on the Choose Your Own Profession panel at 10:45, followed by a book signing. Then I’m on the Thrills and Chills panel at 3:45, followed by a second signing. The rest of the time, I’ll be working the horror booth with my friends.
As soon as the festival is done, I’m throwing on a costume and running across town to run the cake walk for our church’s Trunk-or-Treat. But that’s another story entirely.
I hope you can swing by! October is such a perfect month to read. <3