I can’t get enough of these delicious, flavorful, but surprisingly light lemon cookie sandwiches. I make them all of the time. Ingredients I cup room temperature unsalted butter ¼teaspoon salt 1 cup confectioner’s sugar 1½ cups flour ½ cup cornstarch 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Zest of one lemon Frosting 1 cup confectioner’s sugar ¼ cup unsalted butter, room temperature (50 grams) Juice of … Read More
Valentine’s Day KISS: Keep It Simple, Sweethearts
My mother sent me this package earlier. It was simple. It contained cookie dough mix, frosting, sprinkles, and a cookie cutter. That was it. My kids and I loved it! What a pleasure to spend an hour making, baking, and frosting cookies. There was joy there, and no stress. Just a reminder. 🙂 Happy Valentine’s Day, my lovelies. Also, don’t … Read More
Chuck Wendig, Marmalade, and Secret Cookies
I read Chuck’s books and blog all of the time, so it was really an honor to crash his blog. Swing by while I share Five Things I Learned While Writing Nameless: The Darkness Comes, including an orange marmalade recipe. Also, Erica Kiefer and I will be signing our books this Saturday at the Rainbow Promenade Barnes and Noble on … Read More
Sorry For Being So Awesome
There’s even a cookie that says it. No joke! They’re made by The Bitter Baking Co and I actually won some of them from a blog contest ran on the 5StyleHigh blog. I won them a long time ago, actually, and ate them, and sent some to Ken at Shock Totem basically mocking him for his unpopularity. Jen, from the … Read More
AAAAAEEEEEEEIIIiiiiiiii! (And A Giveaway)
My friends! I have wonderful writerly news, and I am going to scream it from the top of the bloggy mountaintops! I HAVE AN AGENT! Yes, it’s true! I have just signed with the very cool Jason Yarn from Paradigm. The world is full of roses and butterflies and stardust. I feel that this will be a fantastic partnership, huzzah … Read More