Please stop by! The event runs from 10:00 am until 2:30 pm, and I’ll be running a table starting at 1:00 pm. I’ll have books and voodoo dolls for sale. My girls will also be popping in here and there, which really makes it fun for me. They are deliciously feral little things. Hope you can stop by and chat … Read More
Come to the Painted Stories Reading Today!
It’s one of my very favorite reading series in Vegas. Local authors read their work while local artists paint the scene on canvas right in front of your eyes. It’s insanely cool. Brian Rouff, Eric James Miller, and I will be reading some spooky stories to celebrate this dark time of year. I’ll be reading my short story “A Personal … Read More
Miss Murder is Shorn. And a Signing.
I asked him to take off six inches and he took off a foot. From this: to this: Ah well. It was too long, anyway. Let’s try and rock this! Also, I’ll be signing books with Erica Keifer and Sally Johnson tomorrow (8/23/14) at the Northwest Barnes and Noble! Rainbow Promenade, 2191 N Rainbow Blvd., Las Vegas, NV … Read More