Okay, so the good news! I hope that all of you are familiar with John Skipp’s “Zombies: Encounters With The Hungry Dead”. It’s a fantastic anthology with some pretty amazing names: Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, Neil Gaiman, Jack Ketchum, Poppy Z. Brite, and Max Brooks, for example. I mean, this is a super solid book. And weighty. I know because I’ve lugged the sucker around.
Well, he’s doing a sequel to this (on a different subject) and I’m part of it. Me?! In a John Skipp anthology?! There was a LOT of screaming and dancing, let me tell you!
So please celebrate with me! This is an amazing opportunity and it was hard won. I’ll let you know when more information is available. I can’t wait to get my hands on that Table of Contents!
48 Comments on “Yeehaw, Baby!”
How completely awesome, I’m so happy for you! 🙂 *dances*
You better sign my copy when I buy it.
You rock!!! I am so proud of you.
I would do a happy dance for you here, but I’m afraid I might fall over and break the furniture.
Yea! If I weren’t already on cloud nine thanks to cold medicine, this would certainly get me there! 🙂 I’m so happy for you! I’ll be even happier when I can breathe and swallow again. 😉
Very awesome indeed! Congrats!
Con-friggin’-gratulations! Epic sale, good lady! Teh. Coolest. That’s all.
Woot! That if freakin’ fantastic.
Woo-Hoo! We are proud of you!
Wicked proud, women! But you know that. =)
Unless you have multiple personalities.
Awesome, Mercedes! Good for you.
*does wOOt dance*
Hooray for Mercedes! This is full of awesomesauce. 😉
Eeee! I am officially celebrating– AWESOME!
Woohooooo!!!!! *happy dances all around!*
Awesome new, Mercedes! I’m really happy for you.
Spectacular! Sounds like a perfect excuse for some celebratory chocolate, cake and Pepsi for you, right?
Absolutely wonderfully completely awesome news! Congrats girl!
As if I need another reason to buy another anthology :).
Happy-dancing for you!
Congratulations, Mercedes! A well-deserved honor. I’m so happy for you! Thanks for sharing the exciting news!
Very cool!
Congratulations! This is wonderful news!
Woo! Congratulations Mercedes!!!
So when does it come out?
Woo hoo! That is tres awesome! Congratulations!
Congratulations, that’s wonderful 🙂
I am on my knees doing the not-worthy thing. You’re amazing.
Heeheee. I’m giddy for all your fabulousness. Ugh. I’d bite you if you were in front of me. Rawr.
Very very cool…
Pingback: A Love Letter for Mercedes « Harley May
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. You’re the bestest, Sadie. Truly. The Best. With a capitol. B. Uh-huh!
Congratulations Mercedes! You deserve it.
Screaming. I’m SCREAMING for you.
Oops. I just woke up my kids.
Of course you’re a part of it. You’re tenacity and fantastic outlook are going to push you to the top!!!!
Seriously, seriously cool. Congrats! Excellent news.
Thanks so much, you guys!
Ken, I don’t have any more information on it, but I’ll blog as soon as I find out. 🙂
wow, congratz! =)
Fantastic! Congrats! 😀
look at all your comments! nice.
Anyhow, I w00t for you.
Now get back to writing.
Congratulations!!! I can’t wait to see it. Let me know when it’s out so I have an excuse to go to a bookstore. 🙂
Fantastic, I am very happy for you 🙂
Are you kidding me? This ROCKS! Congratulations!
Wow! That’s huge.
Awesome news…onwards and upwards!
EEEEEEEEeeeeeeeee! Fan-TAS-tic!
Congratulations! This is fantastic news – you’re headed for the big time!
SCREAMING and DANCING wtih you!!!!!!
I can’t wait!!!
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