Woo, Wednesday! Time for America’s Next Top Model, homemade pizza, and WIP Wednesday. I haven’t done a WIP Wednesday in quite some time. Let’s check in, shall we?
First off, I’m rounding the corner to Home on my current novel. Do I know how it ends? Of course not. I never plan my work that far in advance. I continue to be surprised until the very last page. EXCEPT for my one exception, STORMLIGHT, which is my next full-length WIP. I have that thing outlined from start to finish, and I’m fairly baffled at my own behavior, I must say. But that’s leaping ahead! The current WIP is coming along nicely. I plan to fast-track it for the next two weeks, and it is a lovely, lovely feeling. I also have a dear friend clamoring for a chapter a night. I shan’t disappoint. This is because I love her. This is also because we were children together and she can blackmail me until the day I die.
I’m also working on a short story for a rather intriguing anthology. My story features a character named Oliver who was actually created by a member of my writer’s group. He found the inspiration for Oliver in one of my other works. So my story is based on a story based on a story. I love the complex layers of this. It adds an extra level of fun.
Also, I was in a bet with Battle Bunny to write 40,000 words by March 25. The loser had to buy the winner Heavy Rain for the PS3. Two wonderful things happened: Heavy Rain dropped in price (YAY!) and Battle Bunny told me last night that he already bought me my copy. He still has a bit over a week to reach his goal, but he says isn’t going to happen. Before I prance around and declare myself the winner (I won I won I won!) I need to reach my own 40,000 words first. Can I do it? Definitely. I thrive on the challenge.
How is your current WIP going? What helps keep your momentum?
10 Comments on “WIP Wednesday: A Story Based On A Story Based On A Story”
My writing is suffering due to some personal stuff going on, but I plan to finish my teleplay in the next few days. My goal is to finish it within two days of my b-day – which is Sunday – yeah.
I never plan too far ahead either. Sometimes I feel like it’s a bad move, but usually it works out.
Heavy Rain is *amazing!* You’ll love it. It is right up a writer’s alley, being heavy on story, although, you will gnash your teeth over some possible plot holes.
But the game experience is like no other and more than worth multiple plays.
Oh no, Laura! Email me. And also, sometimes you have to let self-imposed deadlines go. We both know that. 🙂
Tony! We must discuss Heavy Rain! I played the demo and went absolutely wild over it. My friend’s husband thought it was “meh” and was thereby banished from my house. I think it looks fantastic. But the X key on the controller sticks, so I can see that causing some damage.
The game definitely polarizes players. Some love it, some hate it.
For me, story is what really pulls me into a game, so this one absolutely consumed me. My girlfriend at the time (now ex) basically forced me to get it. It’s the only game I ever played from beginning to end in one day. The ex and I took turns, trading the controller whenever the character changed (because you play as four different people).
Soooo much fun. Basically an interactive movie, but boy oh boy can it get your heart racing.
Yes, that sticky X button might be a problem. Also, if you don’t have a vibrating controller, now might be a good time to get one. 🙂
Ha! And you know I will. If it wasn’t such a great story, you wouldn’t have this problem, you know. Now, where’s my chapter?!
finish! charge! Exclamation point!
Also, I commemorate Battle Bunny’s defeat here: http://masonbundschuh.blogspot.com/2011/03/rabbits-and-catapults.html
Tony, good to know! My kidlets chew on the controller, so now definitely sounds like time to get a new one. Oh, Heavy Rain! Oh, sigh! And you played through it in a DAY?! How was replayability?
Nisa, guess what I’m sitting down to do? Respond to blog comments! No, I’m WRITING THAT CHAPTER while everybody else slumbers. YAY!
I’m rockin’ and rollin’, M! It’ll be in your inbox soon. And your post made me laugh. Poor Bunny. Photoshop should so be my friend.
I think guilt is the only thing that keeps my momentum going long term – but I set myself a similar goal a few months ago: I wasn’t allowed Fable 3 until I’d got through a busy patch. Well worth it! Congrats on your soon to be completed, challenge, hope you enjoy Heavy Rain.
I must now figure out something that will allow me to blackmail you till the day you die.
P.S. Good luck with finishing up in the next two weeks! I’m rather looking forward to April…. >:)
I am not where I want to be with my WIP. I am going on vacation tomorrow and hope to channel some of my muse to get it done. I am too busy in regular life to work on it so I guess vacation will have to do. I think you are absolutely amazing! Best wishes.