You know how you get together with your buddies, or your church group, or your motorcycle gang, or whoever, and you make clothes/dolls/blankets/kits for sick kids in hospitals?
Yeah, I do those things. And I have received these things. Because hospitals and I, we’re like THIS, yo. I know pretty much know where every Coke machine is in every hospital from here to Poughkeepsie. (Except that I don’t know where Poughkeepsie is. Oh, thank you, Internet! It apparently has a flash flood warning at the moment. Be safe, Poughkeepsie!)
I want to thank everybody who takes the time to do such awesome service projects. We recently received a handmade blanket from a group of women back east. It made it all the way to Vegas. I emailed them to thank them, but I want to show you the darling little thing here. It doesn’t take much to do something for somebody else, but it can really make a difference. Let’s pay it forward!
I just received a reply to my thank you letter, and the building where these blankets were kept was lost in the fires. They also lost the memory book of thank you letters that people have sent in. They’re starting over completely from scratch, but the amazing thing is that they are indeed starting over.