This is something that happened last year, but I came across these pictures and wanted to share it. I find it more timely than ever. This is hateful graffiti that was left at my children’s elementary school. Yes, I know the original origins and meaning behind this symbol, but I think it’s a safe bet that when you see it … Read More
February is Women in Horror Month!
I love Women in Horror Month. Although women work in horror all year long (surprise!), I think it’s nice to take time out to specifically search out diversity in our reading and viewing. Michael Bailey wrote a pretty comprehensive list of some fantastic female writers. There’s something here for everyone, so why don’t you swing by and pick up something new … Read More
Thank You, Delivery Workers! <3
I saw this somewhere, and the idea touched my heart. I wanted to thank those who were working so hard during this holiday season to bring us our packages. Every time I go outside, find a package, and see a missing treat, it feels like Santa has taken a bite out the Christmas cookies we left for him! It’s a … Read More
This Is What Love Looks Like
I’m under some pretty intense deadlines and other stresses. How do you eat an elephant? You unhinge your jaw and try to devour all of it at once. Naturally. I came home from an unscheduled grocery store run (Arg, it ate up half an hour I didn’t intend to lose!) to this beautiful spread by Middlest. “You need to eat, … Read More
Merry Christmas in July!
It’s a family tradition we’ve had since I was a child, and I looked forward to it every year. We’d decorate the tree and have small gifts for each other.It’s something that I do with my kiddos now. This is Christmas week! We’re putting up the tree. We’re making snowflakes and taping them to the windows. It’s time for Christmas … Read More
Here’s a Chance to Help Sweet Wes With His Kidney Transplant
Sweet Wes is very dear to me. He has Williams Syndrome like my son, and is in desperate need of a transplant. I applied to be a donor myself, but was unable to be considered because I’m diabetic. There were many, many bitter tears that night. However, they just found a match (YAY!) but need to raise some funds very … Read More
Hey, Get Swabbed!
To become a bone marrow donor, you guys. I don’t know what YOU were thinking you should be swabbed for. There are a zillion things wrong with a zillion people, and sometimes it doesn’t seem like there’s anything I can do to help. But I have chosen to become a bone marrow donor if anybody can use me. It was … Read More
What This Abused Man And My Son Have In Common
There’s a video going around. I won’t post it, but you know the one. A couple of teens beat up a mentally disabled man in Newark, Delaware. They knock him to the ground. Hurt him badly. That man on the ground is Coran. He has Williams Syndrome, just like my son. Here is our story. Here’s more information on Williams. … Read More
Paying It Forward
You know how you get together with your buddies, or your church group, or your motorcycle gang, or whoever, and you make clothes/dolls/blankets/kits for sick kids in hospitals? Yeah, I do those things. And I have received these things. Because hospitals and I, we’re like THIS, yo. I know pretty much know where every Coke machine is in every hospital … Read More
Cute, Or Stalky? You Decide!
Random acts of kindness are some of the coolest things on earth. I so dig, believe me. But while I was looking through some ideas online, I came across one that made me double-take. It suggested that you pick up some inexpensive vases and flowers, pick a few names at random in the phonebook, and drop the flowers off early … Read More