WIP Wednesday

Hey, it’s been forever since I did one of these! Here goes!

My novel WIP is at 18,000 words. My goal is to have it at about 80k and submitted to my agent by November. That’s a lot of writing.

My current novella WIP is done except for a few scenes that need to be inserted, and some editing.  There is a home in mind for this one, and it’ll be awesome to submit it.

I also have pieces in the works for a few anthologies.

Antho #1: I’m writing a piece for a shared world antho, and I’m maybe halfway done. This piece twines with a story that a fellow horror writer is penning.

Antho #2: The theme is “madness”. It’ll be pretty cool.

Antho #3: This is a tie-in piece for a previous novel. I’m not sure what characters to use yet. Maybe Ray the Vampire? I miss him.

Antho #4: This will be an ephemeral story. I can’t wait to write in that voice again.

Book of Poetry: I have the poems ready but just need to sit down and submit them. I hope they’re accepted! This guy has GREAT cover art.

Shock Totem Issue #5 will be dropping soon.  The cover art is gorgeous and the stories are stellar. I can’t wait for you to read it!

And I’m very, very close to announcing something super special.  In fact, the other day I sat down and became misty-eyed because this means so much to me.  Hooray!


This is what I’m working on. It’s a bit schizophrenic and busy, but it makes me happy.  I had to say no to two more anthology invites, which hurt my soul, but I didn’t see how I could fit anything else in at the moment.

So tell me about you? What do you have in the works?


3 Comments on “WIP Wednesday”

  1. Oh, very excited to read your style in long form. Still holding my breath for your announcement (I may know what it is, but more details are interesting).

    While my novel is with my editor (till Sep 15), I’m working on my Deals with the Dead series. I stopped part two of one storyline at 33k to pick back up where my novelette left off, and wrote another 10k onto that. I went to the Toolesboro burial mounds last weekend for some first hand research, and am loving what I’m finding. Ambiguity is my friend right now. I’m also editing a short story for the Kingdom of Nothing Anthology, due at the end of the month. It’s good to be back in a second draft and polishing. Those first drafts can be killer on your self esteem. Just in case yours needs a boost, you rock!

  2. Is it really Wednesday already?

    My WIPs are many. Sequel to This Brilliant Darkness, YA SciFi collaboration with Axel Howerton, a memoir, a poetry collection, the Christmas antho, another Wizard Tale, a romance (!?!) that started as a collaboration with Tim Tash–not sure if it will remain so, a couple more things that are just baby projects for now…

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