700 posts? Can it be true? That’s humbling, honestly. And it makes me happy. But even better? I have a contest where you can win a copy of a VERY COOL anthology that I’m delighted to participate in! It’s titled TALES OF JACK THE RIPPER and I can’t wait to read it myself! Do you see those fantastic names? Do you see my name on the cover with them? I died a little, yes I did.
1888: One hundred and twenty-five years ago, a killer stalked the streets of London’s Whitechapel district, brutally–some would say ritualistically–murdering five women (that we know of): Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes, and Mary Jane Kelly.
The story of Jack the Ripper captured lurid headlines and the public’s imagination, and the first fictionalization of the Ripper killings, John Francis Brewer’s The Curse Upon Mitre Square appeared in October of 1888, mere weeks after the discovery of Jack’s first victim. Since then, hundreds of stories have been written about Bloody Jack, his victims, and his legacy. Authors ranging from Marie Belloc Lowndes to Robert Bloch to Harlan Ellison to Roger Zelazny to Alan Moore have added their own tales to the Ripper myth. Now, as we arrive at the quasquicentennial of the murders, we bring you a few tales more.
You can read more about it, including the full TOC, here.
My tale is called “A Pretty for Polly” and I attempted to explore the gentler side of Jack the Ripper. Let’s see how it goes, shall we?
To enter, simply leave a comment on this post. The contest will run for one week, ending on Friday, August 9. Multiple posts will be deleted so everybody has one entry, and I’ll use Random.org to choose a winner. You’ll have a choice of a print copy, or if you’d prefer an e-copy, I can certainly get you that, as well. Enjoy! Have fun! Spend some time with Saucy Jacky as seen through the eyes of some of today’s dark writers. And if you don’t win, you can always pick it up here:
Amazon.com (TP)
Amazon.com (Kindle)
Barnes and Noble
Powell’s Books
Book Depository
44 Comments on “My 700th Post! Jack the Ripper and a Giveaway!”
Oooo… Jack the Ripper stories!
My husband, the Mattadon, often tells people that I have a disturbing fascination with serial killers.
Not true.
I’m not disturbed by it at all.
Very nice! I want one!
Count me in!
Serial killer stories are among some of my favorites! I can’t wait to read this anthology ~ a lot of great author’s and interesting titles in this one.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm……………………murder, sweet, sweet, murder! ;o)
Jack the Ripper stories… My favorite subject
Awesome TOC!
Wow, 700 posts! That is awesome Mercedes! Congratulations on the accomplishment! How nice to have your name of the cover of the “Jack the Ripper” book too! You are certainly a rising star.
Jack the Ripper has always fascinated me. I am going to have to get this book and read it. I will probably have nightmares though.
I already bought a copy of this (so don’t need to win one), but still wanted to comment because I’m really looking forward to reading this!
I can wait to read it!!!
omg. Jack is my fave! I spent many many years reading everything I could about him (alongside other serial killers!). Congrats on the story! I will most definitely be picking up a copy even if I don’t win one.
I really want to read this one!
Oh dear, sweet & kind Random.org please pick me!!! Sounds like a great read Mercedes. Can’t wait to get one!
This looks great! I’d love a copy!
Oooh, Jack the Ripper! Or, as it would be said where I live, “Jack the Rippa!” 😛
Ohhh I love Jack stories!
Mazel Tov on 700 posts and all the great work you’ve been doing! Jack the Ripper sounds COOL!
Oh boy!! I would love to win this. I love this type of read and am always ready for a good thriller. Thanks.
Huzzah! I like Ross Lockhart’s stuff. And I like yours too. So it’s, like, a win-win.
(like totally)
I do enjoy free and books. That’s a great combo
Jack the Ripper is an interesting topic. Looks like a great collection.
This sounds like a great anthology!
This anonymous person is Brandi Mechling lol
Ooo pick me! 😉
Looks very interesting!
Looks fantastic. What a line up!
Congrats on 700 posts! And congrats on your name being on the cover of this anthology! Can’t wait to read it! Love reading new Jack the Ripper stories! My slight obsession with all things serial killer means I am ALWAYS looking for new takes on this old classic. Thanks for this awesome comp!
Twisted Jack. What has he been up to?
Oh Jack The Ripper stories I would love to read this, but never be in his time. Great post and giveaway. Congrats on the 700th. *crossing fingers*
I’ve already bought a copy, but please enter me in the drawing. I want to see if the Murdock luck is still there.
This looks awesome, love the cover art. 🙂
I wannnnts this.book:3 if i dnt win i may die alittle myself! Lol then that part of me will become a book eating zombie and god save the librarys!
I would love to have this book! Thank you for the chance to win!
ooooohhhh – yes please!
Me too. Come on now! 🙂
Fascinated with Jack the Ripper!!
I’m an armchair ripperologist so I would love to win this.
Would LOVE to win this!
Eager to read this! Looks great.
I think I need to read this.
I definitely want to read this one!!
memememememememememememememememe. That is all.
I’m in! 🙂
You rock and your boots are badass. That is all. Did I win?? 😀