Glenn Rolfe’s band is called The Never Nudes. It’s just awesome. They have a new EP coming out soon, so pick it up!
So since Nameless: The Darkness Comes decided to have a mind of its own and release a few days early, things have been a wonderful, frantic, joyful scrabble here at Chez Yardley. Itty Bit is feeling so much better! (Thank you for your good wishes and emails!) Nameless rocked our socks off with an amazing release! Within 48 hours, we hit #3 in Hot New Releases for Dark Fantasy and got as high as #4 in Dark Fantasy (for sales) on Amazon. We also hit #54 in the entire Paranormal Fantasy genre, which is really, really amazing. For everybody who picked up a copy, thank you so much! And if you’re interested, you can pick up your ecopy here. Paperback and Nook copies will be available soon.
So! The interview! It was really a lot of fun. Glenn is all kinds of awesome. You can read the interview on Horror Novel Reviews about high body counts, bizarre fairytales with sprinkles, and why people don’t want their grubby hands on me. Or something like that.
Also! There will be a SUPER COOL online release party on January 21, from 8-10 EST! We have a Facebook page set up for it. There will be chatter, guest authors to heckle, and so many prizes! Giveaways galore. Please come. I’d love to have you there to celebrate with me!
All right. This tired girl has to crash. Have a great night, everyone!
2 Comments on “Interviewed by a Never Nude. And an Online Release Party!”
Congrats my friend I’m excited for your success. And knowing I got to read some of original stuff makes me priceless.;)
Ha! You’re priceless anyway you look at it, Tommy. 😀