Easy Cheery Cinnamon Voodoo Ornaments! A Tutorial.


Christmas spirit is lacking this year. So I’ve been trying to do simple, stress-free things with the children to add joy and spice. Yesterday we made cinnamon salt dough ornaments, and it was just what the doctor prescribed!

I found the original recipe here.

This recipe has four ingredients and doesn’t require cooking. Easy, charming, and the cinnamon smelled so good! We did hearts, stars, bunnies, and voodoo dolls, of course.

The Recipe

1 cup flour

1/2 cup of salt

1/2 cup of cinnamon

3/4 cups of warm water

Mix your ingredients together. It’s easiest to mix the powders first and add the water last.


If it’s a little dry, add more water. If it’s a little sticky, add more flour. Really, you can’t mess this recipe up.

Knead it with your hands and roll it into a ball.


Roll it out and use cookie cutters to cut out your festive Christmas (voodoo) shapes!



After you cut out your ornaments, put them on a cookie sheet to dry. Use a toothpick to make a little hole in them so you can run a string or ribbon through them later.


Let them dry for about a day. It took us a little less than 24 hours. They’ll lighten up considerably, and you can paint them at this point if you’d like. We left ours as-is because we liked the rustic look.


Adore me! Like I adore you!

When they’re dry, string them on a thread and hang them from your tree! They’re just darling, they take less than half an hour to do (minus drying time) and it really helped bring some holiday joy. I hope you try it! If you do, perhaps you could show me some pictures. 🙂

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