This delicious meal is all about kindness.
I Like To Eat Hair, And Other Thoughts From The Kiddos.
So perhaps some of you have seen this fun meme going around. You ask your kiddos a question without prompting them, and write down what they say. It’s a bit eye-opening and so much fun! Here were the answers from my five-year-old: *What is something I say a lot? Happy things. *What makes me happy? Hugging and kissing *What makes … Read More
Indoor Camping
We Yardleys really know how to rough it. Or at least we know how to enjoy ourselves. Ever have a day where you just want to build a blanket fort and crawl inside for the rest of your life? We have those days quite a bit. What’s more? We do it. Not only did we build a fort big enough … Read More
Miss Murder on an Alpine Slide!
I can’t tell you what a delightful Friday morning this was. Enjoy!
A Perfect Pie Crust
You guys know I like to bake. A lot. And when it’s a gazillion degrees here in Vegas, I need to choose my projects carefully because the oven heats the entire house up and we die a hideous death. But pie? It’s so worth it! Pies taste like summer and there are few things better. I have a recipe for … Read More
Valentine’s Day KISS: Keep It Simple, Sweethearts
My mother sent me this package earlier. It was simple. It contained cookie dough mix, frosting, sprinkles, and a cookie cutter. That was it. My kids and I loved it! What a pleasure to spend an hour making, baking, and frosting cookies. There was joy there, and no stress. Just a reminder. 🙂 Happy Valentine’s Day, my lovelies. Also, don’t … Read More
Easy Cheery Cinnamon Voodoo Ornaments! A Tutorial.
Christmas spirit is lacking this year. So I’ve been trying to do simple, stress-free things with the children to add joy and spice. Yesterday we made cinnamon salt dough ornaments, and it was just what the doctor prescribed! I found the original recipe here. This recipe has four ingredients and doesn’t require cooking. Easy, charming, and the cinnamon smelled so … Read More
Miss Murder’s Easy DIY: Cannibalizing Crayons
The kiddos are out of school so often that they hardly remember what it is. For example, summer vacation starts in two weeks and they’re out today for Staff Development. Really? The three of them fought, argued, broke one of my favorite dishes, and filled the sugar canister with water before 7:30 this morning. By 8:00 AM the garbage disposal … Read More