So I was a triple-nominee at the Whitney Awards, but I lost to a man I’ve never heard of named Brandon Sanderson. 😛

I had a chance to go to the BEST conference I have ever attended, called LDStorymakers. It was run beautifully and the classes were astronomical. You go to horror cons mostly to network. You come to Storymakers to learn. Two different types of conferences with two different goals. Both are wonderful, but my soul needed some classes.
Although mostly I needed time to sit in my room and breathe. That happened, too.
Writing heals me. I’ve been struggling with it of late, but I’m breaking through. It gives me happiness. 🙂
But the winners and their books are:
Middle Grade – Marion Jensen for ALMOST SUPER.

General Youth Fiction – Chris Crowe for DEATH COMING UP THE HILL.
Speculative Youth Fiction – Kiersten White for ILLUSIONS OF FATE.
Historical – Carla Kelly for SOFTLY FALLING.
General Fiction – Amy Harmon for THE LAW OF MOSES.
Speculative – Brandon Sanderson for WORDS OF RADIANCE.
Romance – Sarah M. Eden for LONGING FOR HOME: HOPE SPRINGS.
Mystery/Suspense – Josi S. Kilpack for WEDDING CAKE.
Best Novel by a New Author – Jennifer Lunt Moore for BECOMING LADY LOCKWOOD.
Best Youth Novel of the Year – Julie Berry for THE SCANDALOUS SISTERHOOD OF PRICKWILLOW PLACE.
Best Novel of the Year – Sarah M. Eden for LONGING FOR HOME: HOPE SPRINGS.
Outstanding Achievement Award: Andrew Hall