Working hard! This week I turned in two short stories. They both need polished, but we’ll see what the respective editors have to say. It was good to see forward movement on them.
My focus this week is staring down the very Mouth of Hell in one novella, with a poor sweet boy that keeps getting more and more thrown at him. It sucks to be born nearly divine.
I’m waiting to hear on the status of one story, which may or may not fit the editor’s bill. It’s a beautiful, sad thing, and I’m quite proud of it.
Also, Crystal Lake and I have set a tentative time to publish the sequel to Nameless next year. I’m very excited to do so! More on that as it’s confirmed.
Meanwhile, I was talking to an old friend about my very first novel that I ever wrote. I also wrote a sequel to it, both which have never seen the light of day. I’m thinking of revising them, especially because they feature my favorite character ever, Ray the Vampire. He has his own short story, here. That story was one of my very first sales! <3
That’s what I’m up to! What are you working on?
2 Comments on “WIP Wednesday”
I have one short story out, going door to door, and I am working on my query letter to agents for my finished novel. In their own way, query letters are tougher than stories.
Good on you, Paul! I’ll agree with that 100%. Queries are much tougher than stories, in my opinion.