Be My Valentine All Month Long

Holidays have this insane, commercial buildup. There’s pressure, pressure, PRESSURE and then suddenly it’s over. You’re left with dead flowers, discount chocolates, and the next holiday (or two) creeping into the stores.

Stop. Just stop. This has become madness.

I find myself pushing back at the hype. I want to surround myself with my family, whom I love, and let them know how much I care. It isn’t about Christmas presents or stuffed animals or who has the biggest, flashiest thing. It’s about letting them know that they’re loved.

This year we took 15 minutes one evening and cut out simple, paper hearts. We wrote what we liked about each other. “I like your energy.” “I love how your smile brightens the room.” My favorite is my daughter’s Valentine. “You’re nice enough.” I kinda died laughing at that.

We taped them to the front door so we can see them every time we leave the house. Each day we add one more. Our door is full of joy and love and this really takes no time at all, but the feeling in our home has changed dramatically. It’s softer. It’s warmer. It helps us appreciate each other all month long, and not just on the 14th.

Happy Valentine’s Month, my darlings. May you feel how exceptionally loved you are.



2 Comments on “Be My Valentine All Month Long”

  1. Every since Valentines Day my Grandson has cut out a heart to share with me..Each and every school day. I taught him how to do it without someone else schecting it for him.
    Love my Grands..

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