I’m not screaming. You’re screaming. Can you hear me screaming? This project is a Dream. Come. True.
An amazing colleague and I have partnered up to create the ultimate project together! We’ll be bringing you Pretty Little Dead Girls: A Graphic Novel of Murder and Whimsy. See Bryony, her Eddie, Chad the Fish Guy, Rikki Tikki, and The Murderer as you have never seen them before. I can’t wait!
The most important piece of a graphic novel is the art. Who is going to be this amazing artist, you ask? Here’s a bit of a teaser: this artist shares a name with my favorite constellation. Any guesses?
Keep an eye out for our Kickstarter, which will go live on April 9th. If you’d like a refresher on PLDG, which is my favorite book that I’ve written, you can pick it up here. You guys! This is really happening!
Run, Star Girl.
2 Comments on “Announcing the PRETTY LITTLE DEAD GIRLS GRAPHIC NOVEL!!!!!”
Nice! That artist’s work is spectacular!
He’s amazing!