“Forbidden Grand” came out at Demonic Tome today. This is the magazine where my friend Dawn placed first in the contest, so woo hoo! It’s kind of an endearing magazine to me, although I’ll give you fair warning about some of the content. Of course it’ll be dark, but if I’m going to send you there, and if you aren’t … Read More
Forty things out! I worked very hard to do that, and it feels good. I remember when my goal was five things submitted, and that seemed absolutely overwhelming. It only gets easier the more that you do it, like most things. I am very relieved. I may have found my MFA program…it’s beautiful. I want it to belong to me forever … Read More
Hooray, my poem “English Cynic” is up at Flutter! It’s truly a lovely magazine, and I enjoy reading it. This is a poem that I wrote in high school, and it’s nice to have it out. In other news, Postcards from… and Southern Gothic have both permanently closed. This makes me sad, but that’s the way life goes. The last post … Read More
The Header is a Picture of My Laptop
No joke. That is what I type on, for real. Anyway! I got accepted for the Sonar 4 anthology, coming out next year! Along with Dawn, because she’s my partner in crime. And today two things came out. http://www.reflectionsedge.com http://sixsentences.blogspot.com/2008/10/beautiful-in-your-tragedy.html
They accepted my flash “Galaxy”, which made a nice little bright spot in this slew of rejections. Pieces out: 36 Goal: 40
The Shine Journal
A week of rejections, one after another. Most of the time it doesn’t really bother me, but sometimes they seem to weight a little heavier. Aw. So! My best writing friend Dawn Allison won the Demonic Tome contest, and I’ll be featured in the same issue. We’re both pretty excited to be in the same magazine at the same time, … Read More
Reflection’s Edge
They accepted “Pixies Don’t Get Names” for October’s issue of Reflection’s Edge, and I’m really happy about this! It’s a piece that seems light and fun at first, but really it’s about loneliness and loss. With pixies. And my stuffed shark, Dirk, makes an appearance. (fan service!) I called my husband and work and danced a little. Badly, of course. In other … Read More
But Dad…where’s Mama?
My goal today is to hide away in my room and write a little bit. I took a break from my Sleeping Story forever ago, and it’s time to wrap that sucker up. I’d also like to get back to my Demon Story in the next week or so, because I miss the main character girl and her snarky mouth, … Read More