Hi friends! Things have been so deliciously busy, and I need to fill you all in. But for now, my Bram-Stoker Award-Winning novella Little Dead Red is competing in the Facebook group’s Books of Horror Short Smack competition! Each member of the group gets to vote for their favorite 32 books, and they’ll eventually whittle down to a winner. Today is … Read More
September 2020’s Reads
I told you about my super special awesome bookclub (The Book Democracy Book Club)where we are given a bingo card and random reading prompts. You read the book and a mod gives it a look over before checking off your box. It gives me something to look forward to every month, and helps me prioritize my massive TBR (To Be … Read More
I Crossed Something Off My Bucket List. And Backlash.
I wear a bracelet that says “Be Brave.” My New Year’s Resolution has often been “Do things that scare me.” I’ve wanted to shave my head since I was about 15, but never had the courage. A few months ago I lost the black bangs and tried a blonde Mohawk, and it was a wonderful experience. This summer I made … Read More
Hello, Everyone! I’m Hiding!
How can I be hiding if I announce it cheerfully, you ask? It’s sort of like a kitschy rhinestone flamingo hiding in its natural habitat. Don’t know what I’m talking about? Check out the best link that I found all day. I’m taking a month-long hiatus from Facebook and Twitter, which is really hard, actually. Because a lot of things … Read More
The More You Know Me, The More You Have to Hate
So this has been on my mind lately. I’m not super old but times have changed since I was a kid. The Internet rocks my world. It’s so awesome! Thanks to it, I can email people in different countries, I’m hooking up with old friends on Facebook, and anime is now pretty much mainstream. Thank goodness I can come out … Read More