I’ll admit that 2015 felt like a slow year in my career. However, 2016 is shaping up to knock my socks off! I’m excited to tell you about Gamut, a new neo-noir magazine put out by Richard Thomas. Richard wrote a wonderful blog post describing Gamut here. Meanwhile, keep your eyes open for a little bit of information… Wait, what’s that? … Read More
AH! I Have So Much To Tell You!
About white water rapids, black bears, awesome projects, and general stuff! But not now. I’m packing my suitcase. Literally sitting on top of it and bouncing because it’s a bit overstuffed. I’m currently in Big Sky, Montana. In a week I’ll be in New Orleans for the World Horror Convention. It’s been awesome and busy. But for now, I leave … Read More
Hello, Everyone! I’m Hiding!
How can I be hiding if I announce it cheerfully, you ask? It’s sort of like a kitschy rhinestone flamingo hiding in its natural habitat. Don’t know what I’m talking about? Check out the best link that I found all day. I’m taking a month-long hiatus from Facebook and Twitter, which is really hard, actually. Because a lot of things … Read More
The Time Has Come, The Walrus Said…
So it’s official. I’m on bedrest. My doctor called me out in a spectacular way, saying that if I didn’t slow down I’d spend the rest of my pregnancy in the ER. Ever the “Don’t tell me what to do” type, I eyed him. “Slow down how much?” I asked. “Full stop.” “Impossible. How about if I lay down … Read More
My Guest Post: A Twitter Love Story
Jami Gold graciously listened to me prattle on about how cool Twitter is, and I have writing pals on Twitter, and by the way, I SCORED MY AGENT THROUGH TWITTER, and then she asked me to write a guest post about it. Which I did. Won’t you come and read it? Pretty please? Also, today is the last day for … Read More
Heather McCorkle and The Wonders of Twitter
So I’m all about social media. I like it, a LOT. I love blogs, but it’s more difficult for me to keep up with. It takes a while to search everybody out, read posts, and comment. If you really want to stay in touch, I’m on Facebook. If you really, really want conversations to fly, I’m @mercedesmy on Twitter. So … Read More