So Shock Totem is having it’s first writing contest, and I’m in charge. Bwa ha ha ha! Here are the official rules:
The Official Shock Totem Flash Contest Rules
Hey cats. We’re kicking off our first Shock Totem Writing Contest. It’s going to be a monthly thing, and here are the official rules.
1. The stories will be posted on the hidden forum. This allows all authors to keep first print publishing rights. Let Ken know that you would like access to this forum. Either PM Kenwood or leave him a message on this thread.
2. The contest will last one week. The prompt will be posted and we will write and post our stories to the forum before the week is up.
3. The word count for all stories is 1,000 words or less.
4. Each contestant will get a vote. After all stories are posted, everybody will post a message saying which story they liked the best. Also, a brief critique of the stories would be appreciated.
5. I’ll tally the votes and the first place winner gets a super special awesome prize! And, finally, the coup de grace:
6. The first four or five winners will go head to head for a slot in Shock Totem Magazine. Rock on.
The first prompt will go up on Saturday, January 23. The contest will run until Saturday, January 30.
0 Comments on “Shock Totem’s First Writing Contest!”
Cool idea. The ‘Cafe Doom’ forum does something similar without the addest bonus of a place in Shock Totem.
Ignore my extra ‘s’, I’m high on chocolate.
Awesome! You’ve got the power of Grayskull!
Uh… yeah.