There was a point in college where I was working five jobs in order to hold everything together. One of them was cleaning the buildings at night. I remember being the only person in one of the buildings, sweeping up and singing this song at the top of my lungs. Welcome to my childhood, everybody. 🙂
4 Comments on “How Deep It Goes”
Five jobs is remarkable!
There is nothing better than being alone in a place that is so used to all of the tattered souls. 🙂 My favorite thing (I haven’t done it for a while, but soon, I will again!) Is running at 5am in the morning. No one is out, it’s eerie, but beautiful. I can’t sing and run, but listening to my Mp3 player is a wonderful treat!
Ooh, Dreamboat Annie! Thanks for the song, Sadie, though my fave on that album is definitely “Sing Child Sing”. It’s a friggin’ anthem!
Ah college, I was stupid and had a kid at 20. I often worked up to four jobs (you have me beat by one) while going to college and rearing my son. It was a difficult life at best but I remember it fondly.
I used to love the song that you shared, Heart truly rocked.
I used to sing “Blue Bayou” to the top of my lungs while cleaning up Pizza Inn at night. That was my anthem back then.
Jessica: Haha, yes, these ladies have spunk! I remember hearing about that at the time. It made me laugh.
Kara, I’m 100% with you on that. It’s surreal being somewhere that is usually full of busyness, and seeing it quiet is a little disconcerting. At the same time, it feels like a gift, like we’re being allowed to see something that shouldn’t be seen. 🙂
Robby D: My dad used to call me Annie, so Dreamboat Annie was my “theme” as a little girl. I didn’t realize how incredibly awesome my dad was until later. Parents can rule sometimes!
Ardee-ann: A child is 4,000,000 jobs rolled into one! None of my jobs had a lot of hours. One was 20, another was 10, the rest were maybe 5 a week apiece. I certainly FELT busy, though! You have my utmost respect for being able to do it all. I tip my hat to you, lady!