One of my goals was to join the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, or the SFWA. It took a lot of hard work to become a member, and many of my writing goals are still SFWA oriented. For the third stop of the Beautiful Sorrows blog tour, I conrtibuted a post titled “Define Me: The Role of Changelings in Folklore to the SFWA blog. Please stop by and read it! It’s such an honor to contribute to something that I respect so highly.
Also, the very cool and gorgeously lipsticked Rebecca Brown interviewed me on her blog. It’s more Mercedes than you can handle! Since it’s late at night and you’re surfing the web mindlessly, drop by and see her, will you? 😀
2 Comments on “Stop 3: The SFWA Blog”
Thanks for letting me interview you, Mercedes. I look forward to getting a chance to read your book when it comes out!
It was absolutely a joy! Thank you!