I will never again write a book with “BS” as initials. Let me just be clear on that.
TT Zuma wrote a wonderful review for Beautiful Sorrows over at Horror World. He said: “Mercedes M. Yardley might just be one of the finest and most imaginative storytellers since Neil Gaiman, she is that good.”
What an honor! It really made my day. Thank you, TT! I’m so glad you liked it!
Won’t you go and read it? You can find it here. Also, it was my birthday last week, so maybe we should all celebrate by going and picking up a copy of BS?
I’m sorry. I promised Ken of Shock Totem that I’d make that plug. I’m a terrible marketer, apparently. Bad Mercedes! Bad!
Anyway, I miss everybody! I haven’t been blogging as much as I’d like. I’ll try to manage my time better. Lots to update on. Things are going well here at the Yardley household. Today the Easter Bunny dropped by. Pictures to come later.
Have a lovely day, friends!
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