I promise that as class president, there will be a chicken in every pot and a TV in every home room.
My friends! Pretty Little Dead Girls is in the running for the Preditors and Editors Annual Reader’s Awards for Best Horror Novel of 2014. I can’t tell you how exciting it is to be nominated! It really, really pleases me.
But I just found out that PLDG was in the running twenty minutes ago, and votes have been going since Christmas Eve. The polls close in two days, so if you liked this novel and you’d be happy to vote for it, please do so today or tomorrow! Any little bit of attention brought to an indie writer’s work is infinitely valuable.
If you’d like to vote, the page to do so is right here.
You don’t need to be a member but they do ask for your name and email to verify your votes and keep things honest.
Thank you so much. 🙂
2 Comments on “Vote For Pretty Little Dead Girls!”
+1 for PLDG
Oh, that delights me! Thank you so much for taking the time. 🙂