In this corner, we have Miss Murder. Three kids, a laptop, and deadlines cracking a whip above her.
In this corner, we have Robert J Duperre, the fastest writer I have come to know. Who will win?

I tried to find an evil-looking picture of Robby D, but he’s just too darn adorable. It didn’t happen.
First one to write 90,000 words wins. It can on any project. No time limit, just word count.
The Winner Gets:
Bragging rights and 90,000 words closer to completing their projects. They also get to laugh because
The Loser Gets:
To draw on a glitter beard, take a picture, and use it as an avatar for one month.
That’s right. A beautiful, beautiful, glitter beard. Hey, if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Our write-off begins on Monday, December 7, and continues until one of us curls up and dies of exhaustion!
Or wins. Whatevs.
Who are you voting for? Who do you want to see in a beard? The challenge is on!