I can’t believe what glories and wonders you all are! Knowing that you, friends and family, are opening your wallets to help fund this amazing dream? It makes me speechless. Thank you so much! You can follow along with our progress here.
We are currently 47% funded at $3,052 dollars. Crossing that $3k mark makes me feel so hopeful that this project will fully fund. One of the tier rewards for backing Pretty Little Dead Girls: A Graphic Novel of Murder and Whimsy is having your name and likeness written into a story. I’m currently writing one of the backers into a dark tale of enabling and sacrifice. Thank you for making this project into a reality for Orion Zangara and I.
If you’re interested in the original novel and don’t want to wait a year to get your Star Girl fix, you can find it here. Thanks again! This is so exciting, and please keep doing what you’re doing. You make all the difference.