I loved the original .hack anime and the game series with Kite and Black Rose. Although the levels are repetitive, the story was cool and I loved how you’d get different aspects of it by the gameplay, anime, and videos. I bought the .hack/GU Recode quad on Playstation 4, and it’s been fun. I get to do everyday business things like check my game email! And read forums! Search my desktop! And while, again, the levels are repetitive (the Forest of Pain is aptly named), I wanted the comfort of that aspect. I put the TV on mute, turned on some podcasts, and hack/slashed my way through the first three games. Right now I’m finishing up all of the side quests because apparently I’ve become a completionist. Then it’s on to Volume 4/ Reconnection which is supposed to be roughly four hours of gameplay that ties everything up in a nice little bow.
What are you playing?