So! The first thing I have to say is that I feel good about my reading on Sunday. No Bambi in the headlights moments, no stumbling over my words. I also joined a voice group because A) wouldn’t doing voice-overs just be so much fun?! and B) it will help me with my reading. My diction has become so sloppy … Read More
A Personal Apocalypse
Yay, it’s snowing! I find this to be an utterly charming little effect that WordPress added. Snow reminds me of growing up, and it isn’t Christmas without it, and of course Vegas doesn’t get much snow. So this makes me happy. We did The Great Santa Run today, and it was a success for us. The kids were happy and … Read More
It’s like…
being a little girl who got into the cookie jar again. So something magical happened today. It was a culmination of a lot of things, really. A lot of work and some dreaming, but mostly it comes from pinning my new writer friend/mentory thingy down and demanding that he tell me everything that he knows about writing, marketing, and publishing. … Read More
Just Plugging Away
I have hit a writing wall. Perhaps it’s distraction (the holidays, tra la la!) or my kids (my daughter is taking her first steps) or perhaps NaNo completely tapped me out. I’m trying to think of this as a gentle quiet time where my mind can take a breath, but it is still frustrating. I want to be writing. I … Read More
The Bragging Post
What’s that, you say? There was a submission contest and I WON? I WON? I beat Iseult hands down and WON?! *Mercedes sings and dances around, very badly There was a contest, and I won it, uh. yeah, I won it, uh, woo woo All right. That’s about all of the bragging that I can stand. Thank you. Iseult, … Read More
I’m A Winner!
NaNoWriMo, WON for the third time in a row! Submissions Contest with Iseult Murphy, WON by just a hair! “I’m Keeping It Light” SOLD to Fifty Two Stitches! And Christmas presents almost completely bought. Rock on, I say! Rock on.
I’ll Go Down Swinging
Did I bite off more than I can chew? Holiday festivities, Black Friday sales, 10,000 more words by Saturday night and a submissions contest? Maaaaaaybe. But maybe not. Know this about me: if I go down, I’ll go down swinging. Suffering on the writing front. Switching from the novella to something different really threw a wrench in the works and … Read More
Competition with Strangers
Iseult Murphy and I are in a competition: who will submit ten things first? Well, maybe she will because I’m out of commission for Thanksgiving tomorrow, but I have that competitor’s spirit. Winner gets bragging rights. Go see her at Go on…write her lots of email so that she’ll spend precious time answering them, thus assuring my victory!
With a Titanium Smile
Hey, Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow to all of you Americans out there. And to everybody else who just wants to take a moment and be thankful for stuff. Yeah, I knew it would do all of us good. My mom used to make us go around the table and say something that we were thankful for. We all hated it, but … Read More
I have finished RunStarGirl: A Novella of Murder and Whimsy! It clocks in at about 40,000 words, so it is novella length. I’m quite pleased with it, but won’t begin editing until December. I can’t decide whether the remaining 10k words should attach to my demon story (which has been waiting patiently for a few months) or if I should … Read More