In the small community of Village-Upon-Stone, a storm settles solely over the house of a beloved family. Instead of leading their normal, happy life, the family–a father, a mother, and three daughters–find themselves battling fierce winds and torrential rain. The other villagers come to the family’s aid, but it’s no use against the rapidly rising waters. The family and their … Read More
The Winter Wonders Cover!
I’m in a delightful upcoming anthology titled “Winter Wonders”, and I’m so excited to show you the beautiful cover! Isn’t it chilly and heartbreakingly whimsical at the same time? And check out the list of authors that are included! It’s like a giant slumber party of deliciousness!
I Participate In Anne Riley’s Character Invasion
Anne Riley is one of those driven-yet-friendly girls that I always want to sidle up to because she’s just enjoyable. She’s creative, intelligent, and friendly, and I so dig women that are friendly! So when I saw that she was doing something called “The Character Invasion”, I was intrigued. What a great opportunity to do a writing exercise that totally rocked … Read More