Or something like that. But I would totally help you with your dishes if I could. 🙂 Gardner Goldsmith was kind enough to invite me onto his show last night. I’ve known G for about five years now, and he’s just the nicest of the nice. Here’s a link to the podcast if you’d like to take a listen. I … Read More
Live Radio Interview Tonight!
 Do you want to join the hordes making fun of my voice, saying that I “sound like any other happy-nine-year-old girl”? Tonight is your chance. My dear friend Gardner Goldsmith invited me onto his radio show. Gard did my second interview ever, once upon a time, and he was so gracious to a nervous girl from the sticks. (Or … Read More
Me! On the radio! Tonight!
Gardner Goldsmith is gracious enough to have me on his show tonight. Even after talking to me before, and knowing what a dork I am when he gets me on the phone. We’ll be talking a bit about Beautiful Sorrows and I’ll do a brief reading from it. Why don’t you join me? He’s calling in at about 10:30 EST. … Read More
Gardner Goldsmith Interviews Me on the Liberty Conspiracy
I met this darling man at KillerCon last year, but we didn’t have a chance to really talk until this year’s KillerCon, and he quickly became a highlight. If you haven’t had the chance to meet the intelligent and wildly entertainingly Gardner Goldsmith, you’re missing out. He’s genuinely one of the good guys, and he’s a real pleasure to talk to. … Read More