This story. It’s such an honor to introduce it to you. Please join me in welcoming Jonathan Cosgrove to the Arterial Bloom horror anthology. His story “Mouths Filled with Seawater” is a fever dream dealing with delusion and obsession. Jonathan wrote it so beautifully and cleverly, and I know you’ll love it!
The tide was in. Boats in need of fresh paint bobbed in the water. I remembered we’d unmoored one, taken it into the night. There was a small island we wanted to visit. It looked like a patchwork of yellow grass from the pier. We never made it. -Jonathan Cosgrove, “Mouths Filled with Seawater”
Jonathan Cosgrove is an Irish writer of dark fiction. As a child, he convinced his mother’s best friend that he’d been born in America, despite the fact she’d visited him in the Irish hospital where he was born. Since then he’s been trying to write just-as-convincing stories. When not grappling with words he grapples at Brazilian jiu-jitsu. His fingers are in constant agony. Find him as jjingo_gaijin on Twitter and Instagram.
Jonathan Cosgrove joins authors Naching Kassa, Christopher Barzak, John Boden, Jennifer Loring ,Ken Liu, Jimmy Bernard, Carina Bissett, Linda J. Marshall, Dino Parenti, and Armand Rosamilia in the Arterial Bloom horror anthology published by Crystal Lake Publishing.
One Comment on “Please Join Me in Welcoming Jonathan Cosgrove to Arterial Bloom!”
Oh, that excerpt, I want to read “Mouths Filled With Seawater” already!