Oh my goodness, my friends. Please welcome Grant Longstaff to the Arterial Bloom horror anthology! Grant’s visceral story titled “Dog (Does Not) Eat Dog,” was one of the two stories that I read once and immediately knew I needed to publish. It’s chilling and brutal, and the terror comes from the fact that it covers very real horrors. I hope it sinks its teeth into you.
Reece turned to the ocean and screamed, the muscles in his throat as rigid as iron. He fell to his knees, clawing up handfuls of dull sand, heaved in another breath to cry out. He screamed until his voice cracked. Until deep, tired howls scraped the anger from his throat and lungs. – “Dog (Does Not) Eat Dog” by Grant Longstaff
Grant Longstaff is from Gateshead; a small, suitably dismal town in the north east of England
where nothing much happens. He had no choice but to write fiction. He now lives in Glasgow.
You can find him on Twitter @GrantLongstaff or visit his website www.grantlongstaff.co.uk for
more information.

Cover Art by Todd Keisling
Grant Longstaff joins authors Linda Addison, Daniel Crow, Todd Keisling, Jonathan Cosgrove, Naching Kassa, Christopher Barzak, John Boden, Jennifer Loring ,Ken Liu, Jimmy Bernard, Carina Bissett, Linda J. Marshall, Dino Parenti, and Armand Rosamilia in the Arterial Bloom horror anthology published by Crystal Lake Publishing.
One Comment on “Arterial Bloom Welcomes Grant Longstaff!”
I feel for poor Reece in just those four, short sentences.